Monday 9 May 2016


  • Nomina yang berbentuk jamak yang bisa dihitung sering ditandai dengan quantifiers seperti a few, several, many, a lot of, each, every, another, a large number. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
    • Several documents
    • A few children
    • Many cars
    • Another person
    • Each glass
    • Every research
    • A large number of students
  • Sedangkan nomina yang tidak bisa dihitung (uncountable noun) sering kali ditandai dengan quantifiers seperti a little, much, a large amount. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
    • A little progress
    • Much liquid
    • A large amount of news
  • Meski demikian, anda harus cermat karena ada beberapa quantifiers yang bisa digunakan baik sebelum nomina yang bisa dihitung maupun yang tidak bisa dihitung. Jenis quantifiers tersebut adalah all, some, enough, plenty of, a lot of, any, all, more, most. Perhatikan contoh berikut

    • All progress
    • Enough water
    • A lot of air
    • Some oil
    • All people
    • Enough members
    • A lot of students
    • Some researches
Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat :
  1. There are (less/fewer) patients in this ward than those in that ward.
  2. We have (a large number/a large amount) of rice this year.
  3. I do not have (many/much) money to buy a car.
  4. The laptop costs (too many/too much) for me to buy.
  5. She has (too much/too many) work to do.
  6. We have (less/fewer) time to finish the second project.
  7. Children hear (too many/too much) bad information from media.
  8. Tthe internet offers (a large number/a large amount) various news.
  9. We do not have (many/much) cooking oil to cook for the party.
  10. A (few/little) participants left earlier during the seminar.


Bila kita membandingkan lebih dari dua orang atau benda, maka kita menggunakan bentuk supperlative form (bentuk paling).Ciri utama penggunaan bentuk supperlative form adalah sebagai berikut :

THE + adjektiva (satu suku kata) + est
THE + most                                  + adjektiva (lebih dari 2 suku kata)

Pilihlah jawaban yang salah dari tes TOEFL berikut ini

  1. Wilt Chamberlain used to be one of the taller professional basketball players in the United States.
  2. The more long suspension bridge in North America is the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in New York City.
  3. The more famous skycraper in the world is the Empire State Building, located in the heart of New York City.
  4. Life on earth originated abaout 2,000 million years ago, but the older good fossil remains are merely 550 milllion years old.
  5. Peter Abeland, a logician and theoligician, was the controversialist teacher of his age

Sumber :
Priyasudiarja, Yusup. 2014 . Strategi Jitu Meraih Skor TOEFL 600 Dalam Sebulan. Bandung : Kaifa